Rose is a female unicorn with an extremly shy personality. Rose, alongside with Violet, her male unicorn counterpart, are the protectors of the forest and its habitants; the animals and the plants. All of the animals love her due to her kind nature and her healing capabilities.
Violet is a carefree unicorn and a more extrovert type comparing to Rose. He is an aggresive type of unicorn which is very useful in battles as a result of his invisibility skill and fighting competences. Together with Rose, he protects the forest from external menaces and extintion.
Jade is a hostile green dragon which is actually a kind one, but often mischievous. His green toxic breath is considered dangerous to the forest dwellers.
Forest fairies are the friends of the unicorns. Like other fairies, Ella has a high-level of magic skills. The name Ella is derived from her signature magic spell: The UmbrELLA (a kind a defensive force field).
Northwind is a snobish majestic winged horse with a snowflake-like appearance. He often fells superior to other creatures and sees the unicorns as his rivals.
The forest animals such as deer, squirrels, rabbit, bird, bear, and lion. All of them respect and love the unicorns except for the lion, who would like to take over the unicorns' role as the protector of the forest.
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